Fig-A-Liciously Delicious I thought maybe I shouldn’t post yet another fig jam recipe, but dang, it’s just so good, I had to. For a person who really doesn’t care much …

Roasted Oregano Chicken with Lemons
Herb-a-liciously Delicious! Roasted Oregano Chicken with Lemons, the perfect easy weeknight dinner. It’s so tasty, fast, and delish! The marinade comes together in a blender or food processor, then one …

Chicken Pesto Meatballs Over Lemon and Basil Spaghetti
“Sunday Sauce” Summer Style Summertime cooking should be easy and full of bright, and light flavor. A combination of the seasons freshest ingredients prepared simply and the results, magnifico! Chicken …

Vanilla and Lemon Layer Cake with Lemon Curd and Fluffy 7 Minute Frosting
Make A Wish! You know how some people make baking a cake seem simple? Well, I’m not one of those people. I have made many mistakes, some doozies too! However, …

Sage Brush Cocktail
A Tipple To Tempt You It’s almost summertime and the living is…..well, not so easy lately. Here’s a cocktail that’s both beautiful and delicious and guaranteed to put a smile …

Smoked Salmon Spread with Lemon and Greek Yogurt
I Love Dishes With Fishes! I keep a few super simple appetizer recipes up my sleeve. You never know who may stop by and want a little nosh with their …