It’s Totally Chill!
A Sweet And Tart
Treat To Eat
If you told me when I was a little kid that I would positively swoon over the SUBLIME taste of homemade Lime Sherbet, I would have told you that something or someone had obviously taken over my body and that I need rescuing ASAP! Clearly, some secret spell
had rendered me unable to speak
for myself and I was not in control of my own mind or it was some kind of invasion of the body snatchers
I remember anytime we would take a trip to the local ice-cream shop, I would undoubtedly hear someone order sherbet. I would always turn to have a look! I’d have to see who on earth was ordering that stuff! I would think,
“My $%)&*$=+ $%*! There are 31 flavors in this place and you’re ordering sherbet? ” I mean, why bother to leave the house?
Well, things certainly do change. If you’ve never tasted homemade lime sherbet, you’ve gotta try this. Even if you still think there are only a few true ice cream choices and fruit juice isn’t one of them, this is going to blow your mind! It’s absolutely the most delicious cool
summer treat you can have!
We All
Scream For…………….Lime Sherbet?
The first time I made this, I think I was just trying to show that I had grown up a bit and was capable of providing my guests options that were not full of chocolate or other (still believe this too) devine ingredients. I couldn’t believe that it became my very favorite flavor. It’s so easy to make and much better than anything you can get at the store.
No matter what, if I do ever venture into the local ice-cream place I am no longer going to give you a “judgy face” or dirty look if you order the sherbet. I get it now! I know! I’m more mature now and I realize, you were right all along! Stand up and be YO-self! Oh and by the way, it’s SHERBET, NOT SHERBERT. Just in case you’ve had that disagreement before. I have! Here’s how I make it!
The Scoop
Zest at least 3 fresh limes for about a tablespoon of zest. Then juice about 8-10 limes, you want to get 3/4 of a cup of fresh lime juice.

Then mix with 1 cup sugar and a pinch of salt. Put all the ingredients into a bowl and Whisk for about a minute. Next, add the milk and the cream and Whisk again for a minute.

Put it into the refrigerator, covered for a few hours or overnight. You want the mixture to be super cold. If you’re like me and you can’t wait, you can put it in the freezer for an hour.

Process in your ice cream maker. You want the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. When completed, remove from the ice cream maker and freeze before serving, at leave 1 hour.
Note that this mixture will be very pretty. It will be very slightly tinted in light green, with pretty little flecks of the lime zest. If you prefer your sherbet to be green like it is in stores, just add a very tiny drop of green food coloring. Otherwise, enjoy it ah-lah-natural!

Note: The color of this sherbet will be a very pale almost unnoticeable green with light flecks of zest. If you prefer to have a green color to your sherbet, add 1 drop of green food coloring.
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tablespoon lime zest (green only)
- pinch of salt
- 1 cup cream
- 1 cup whole milk
- 3/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
- Zest a few fresh limes. Then juice at least 10 limes. You want 3/4 cup of fresh lime juice. Then mix with 1 cup sugar and a pinch of salt. Put all the ingredients into a bowl and Whisk for about a minute, making sure the sugar has dissolved. Next, add the milk and the cream and let it whisk again. Put it into the refrigerator, covered for a few hours or overnight. You want the mixture to be super cold in order to freeze properly in your ice cream maker.
- Remove from the freezer and process in your ice cream maker. You want the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. When completed, remove from the ice cream maker and freeze before serving, at leave 1 hour.
- Karen