Slowly She Turned, Step, by Step……
Halloween has been my favorite holiday since I was just a little kid, falling off curbs, blinded by toxic and ill-fitting masks. Powered by candy greed and competitive begging, we’d trick-or-treat until we couldn’t go on any longer. And that was only because all the neighbors had long gone to sleep and refused to answer their doors. Growing up in the age of less parenting is more, we were free to move about the town with absolutely no adult supervision. I love Halloween just as much now, but usually while enjoying Halloween Cocktails and of course, always with a scary tale.
Here are 5 of my Halloween inspired tipples along with their original, spine-tingling tales. If you love a silly yarn, this blogs for you. By the way, they get better after Halloween Cocktails!
The Sophisticated Zombie
Enjoy this story and the cocktail with a little finger food! A love story for the ages that proves, it’s never too late to find everlasting love. Here’s a link to the Sophisticated Zombie:

The Skeleton’s Punch
A riveting tale of greed and terror on the high seas. Karma is a bitch. Here’s your link to The Skeleton’s Punch

The Widows Tears
Be kind to your parents and be careful what you wish for, it just might come true. Visit the widow and hear her heartbreaking story:

Stout Beer Ice Cream Float with Salted Caramel Ice Cream
A beer(y) scary tale of a time, long, long ago…but there was beer. Remember, always share your beer.
Here’s a link to the not so modern, “Modern Times” Tale:

The Witches Reign
A me-too story for the ages……Witches for Witches! Here’s your link to the tale: