Widows Tears Cocktail

The Widow's Tears Cocktail
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The Last 🏰Wish Another🕷Spooky, Spine-Tingling

Strictly Over 21  “Cock-☠️Tale”


Widows Tears Cocktail

At breakneck speed, the ebony and gold-encrusted carriage raced through the forest🌳🌳 🌳🌳.  Far too fast for such horrific conditions, the wooden wheels barely able to stay on the ground.   The coachman feared the fleeting light 🌒 would vanish before he could make it back to the castle 🏰.   He understood the peril that would befall him if he failed to return her 👑 majesty in time. 


Relentlessly, the pelting rain continued to erode the narrow paths that lined this part of the dark forest.  The castle 🏰 was just barely in sight, illuminated by the bursts of lightning, it lie in the distance, just beyond the end of the forest  The castle appeared to balance on a ledge, at the top of the mountain.   Determined, he continued on.  

Inside the carriage, the stoic but now frail queen clutched the leather-bound seat of the ornate growler.   Her hands bruised and bloodied from the difficult trip,  the days-long excursion, across her vast fief.  Her evil powers severely weakened by the tremendous journey,  she cowered inside, afraid for her life.  

Widows Tears Cocktail – The Crash

There was a sudden and horrific clap of thunder,  the lead horse became spooked and the carriage veered.  The coachman, unable to control the chaos, was thrown to his death.  Freed from their reins, the horses ran to safety at a nearby abandoned barn (that had recently been filled with fresh hay and clean water, so the horses were never in any danger, okay!)  The coachman sprawled, dead, just ahead of the horrific scene.   The carriage rolled down a steep embankment, then after what seemed like eternity, silence.

Awakened by the crash, a farmer and his wife grabbed their torches and ran into the nearby forest.  To their dismay, an ornate carriage lay, toppled on its side.  They’d never laid eyes on such ornate and intricate, craftsmanship.  Who could be inside this magical carriage? 

Slowly, they approached the lifeless vessel, the door nearly torn completely off the side, they raised their torches to light the interior.  The farmer pulled the woman from the coach.  She was barely breathing as the farmer and his wife carried her lifeless body away and up the steep hill to the path and on to the farmhouse.

The Rescue

They laid the lifeless queen upon their bed.  The farmer’s wife sat with the queen throughout the night, attending her wounds.  They kept her warm by the fire until she finally awoke.  Outraged, she screamed, “What has happened?” she demanded to know.  “Where is my coachman, my horses?” ” Who are you?”

The farmer and his wife cowered in fear as they suddenly realized that this woman was indeed the evil queen.  But to their great surprise and relief, she was grateful.  She stood, still weak from her injuries, she thanked them for their kindness.  She’d never before experienced any act of pure kindness.  Until this day, the only emotion the queen really understood was fear.

The queen looked at the farmer and his wife.  “Simple peasants,” she thought.  “What on earth could they possibly want?”  Just then she noticed the bassinet in the corner.  A sleeping baby girl.  Suddenly, it came to her.  “To thank you both for your kindness and in gratitude,  I bestow upon your daughter, 3 wishes.”  “So upon the eve of her twenty-first birthday, I will return.”   “She will be granted a single wish each night for 3 consecutive nights, and then, my debt will be paid”.

Strengthened by the rest and the kindness of the couple bestowed, the queen summoned her valet and her footman, and then, in a moment, they were gone.

Widows Tears Cocktail – The Wishes

The child grew quickly into a young woman.  The farmer and his wife sadly were not blessed with more children.  Raised in the little farmhouse, the girl would spend sleepless nights, gazing at the castle on the distant mountain.  She resented her simple life and she resented her simple parents.  She despised the way they were always ready to lend a hand to anyone who needed help.  Be it by hand through hard work or by the gift of what little money they earned with their crops or by her mothers cooking, sewing, or other handy work.  The girl’s parents were always helping some poor souls. 

Why couldn’t she be the princess in the castle?  Why did she have to sacrifice so that her parents could foolishly squander their paltry income to help anyone who dared ask?

“Someday I will leave this pathetic little house and I will leave my simple parents behind I will never look back again!  I should be a queen”!

She knew one day, her fortune would change, she knew of the three wishes.   And then one day,…………. it did. 

Curiously, the evil queen watched as the girl grew up.  She knew exactly what the girl would wish for.   Indeed, this child was exactly like her.

First wish

At midnight on the eve of her 21st birthday, the young woman lay in bed, watching the castle.  She could see in the distance, a glowing, chartreuse-colored, spinning sphere as it made its way from the top of the mountain, down the winding path and through the edge of the forest.  She opened her window and the sphere approached. Then as by magic, it was gone and standing before her, the queen.

“Child, what is your first wish?”

Finally, it was her time and she knew exactly what her first wish would be.  “I want to be the richest woman in the land”.  The queen replied, “then it is done.”  Her room was filled with treasures and gold.  The queen disappeared in a burst of light.

Greedily, the young girl spent the entire night counting her fortune and imagining how she would spend it all on herself.

The Second Wish

As it was with the first wish, the queen appeared again on the second night.  “Child, what is your second wish?”  Again, she was ready, as she had been preparing for this moment her entire life………….”I wish to be the most beautiful woman in the world”  The queen replied, “then it is done.”

Too excited to even thank the queen, she ran to pick up her mirror and look at herself.  Breathlessly, she looked into the glass, the face that appeared to her was truly, the most beautiful woman she had ever imagined.  Silky, Shining, long hair with the biggest eyes and the reddest lips.  She finally dropped the mirror, and when she did, she could see that the queen was gone.  The young woman spent the entire night, staring at her beautiful reflection.

Last wish

On the eve of the final wish, the queen arrived hours earlier than midnight.  But the daughter was ready.  Once again, she knew exactly what she would request.   “Child, what is your third and final wish?”  Quickly she responded……”I wish to be married 👰🏻 and leave this house and never come back!”  The queen 👸🏻 replied, “Then it will be done”.  “Upon the strike of exactly midnight, you shall be married and you will leave this house forever.”   “You will be married in my castle 🏰 in a lavish ceremony to your one true love, the one you have dreamed of.” 

The young woman was so excited, she couldn’t believe her wish had been granted, finally, she could leave and never have to return to the rickety old farmhouse, so vastly dismal in comparison to the life she’d dreamed of, in a magical castle.    

The Widows Tears Cocktail – The Wedding 👰🏻 

At exactly midnight, the ceremony began.  Magically, the delighted bride was splendidly clad in the most gorgeous embroidered wedding gown and the veil was made of silk and was at least 30 feet long.  Ten ladies in waiting assisted her into the chapel at the top of the castle. She couldn’t believe it was real, the very castle she’d dreamed of from the time she first learned of the 3 wishes.  The wishes gifted to her on behalf of the selfless, and kind actions of her parents.

No guests were in attendance, but the bride didn’t care.  She was wealthy beyond measure, she was beautiful and she was about to marry the love of her dreams and leave her old life forever! The ladies in waiting brought down her veil to cover her face and she began to make her way down the aisle.  She could see her true love at the altar, awaiting her arrival.   She opened her eyes, and looked deeply into the gorgeous eyes that stared back at her.  Indeed, this was the true love she’d dreamed of for as long as she could remember.

“You may kiss your bride” she heard, and the veil was lifted and they kissed a magical kiss that lasted for what seemed an eternity.  

Suddenly she could no longer feel the warm kiss and embrace, her arms now empty.  In front of her horrified, she could see nothing!  Her eyes dropped to see on the cobblestones, a pile of ashes.   


The Widows Tears Cocktail
The Widows Tears Cocktail


The Lesson 📖

Just then, the queen arose from the back of the pews.  “My dear, as you prayed, all of your wishes have been granted”.  “You are the richest in gold and treasures!”  “You are the most beautiful woman in the land and now, you have been married,”  “Your parents and their farmhouse are forever gone!  No burden to you, so you may never return.”   “And now you must leave this palace, my debt has been been paid.” 

The Widows Tears Cocktail😭 

Running from the chapel across the bridge and into the forest, crying out with anguish and remorse, the widow fled.   With all of her beauty and all of her riches, she was forever, alone.  To this day, if you listen carefully, you can still hear her crying The Widows Tears!

The Widows Tears Cocktail
The Widows Tears Cocktail 😭 Bitter Sour with a little sweet revenge

How To Make The Widows Tears Cocktail

The Widows Tears Cocktail it's Bitter, Salty, Sour and Sweet
The Widows Tears Cocktail, Gin, Roses, Lime, Grapefruit Bitters and Pink Grapefruit Juice

Into a cocktail shaker filled 1/2 with ice, add 2 ounces of freshly squeezed pink grapefruit juice, 2 ounce of gin and 1/4 ounce of Roses Sweet Lime Juice and 4-5 dashes of grapefruit bitters.   Shake vigorously for 20 to 30 seconds.

Rim the glass with lemon peel, then roll the rim in powdered/confectioners sugar.  Strain the cocktail into the prepared glass and serve with a twist of lemon.


The Widows Tears Cocktail
The Widows Tears Cocktail is Bitter Salty Sour and Sweet

For other Halloween Inspired Cocktails and their creepy little yarns:  The Witches Rein Cocktail:  https://wp.me/p9KEfL-1l6

A Beer-y Scary Cocktail –  “Beer Stout Float with Salted Caramel Ice Cream”  https://wp.me/p9KEfL-1h0

Also, in the recipe index:  The Sophisticated Zombie and The Skeletons Punch Cocktail



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