“If You Like Pina
Coladas and Getting Caught In The
Rain? If You’re Not Into
I can’t even think of a Pina Colada without that song coming into my head. Now, I’ve done it to you too! No matter the corny lyrics to the song, I still do love a creamy rich Pina Colada Cocktail, even if it’s only once every few years. Why? Because I LOVE
COCONUTS! What better to get you through another “Hotgust” Night than a
tropical cocktail like a real, traditional Pina Colada? Let’s face it, it’s pretty much a rum milkshake!
I know it’s decadent, but we all deserve a little treat from time to time, right? You know the rum don’t hurt a bit! I did a tiny bit of research on the Pina Colada and found it’s actually from Puerto Rico, not de Islands mahn.
You should mix a batch of these creamy, icy cold, fruit-filled tropical concoctions and surprise someone you love. Maybe you’ll discover that they like the feel of the ocean and the taste of
champagne too, or even making love at
Midnight. You can plan your escape! Cheers!
Got Coconut? 
Add about 2 cups of ice to your blender. Add 4 ounces of light rum, 4 ounces of pineapple juice and 4 ounces of coconut cream. If you’re using unsweetened coconut cream, add 2 ounces of simple syrup. Let ‘er rip for a good long time. Pour into your best tall glass and garnish with a
cherry and a
pineapple spear. And by chance, if you have any fancy paper cocktail parasols, now’s your opportunity!

Make sure you check your coconut cream or milk carefully. There is a difference between coconut milk and coconut cream which is unsweetened. Coconut Cream is richer and higher in fat.
When you order a tropical cocktail it’s usually made with presweetened coconut cream. That’s not what you use in your cooking and baking. When you use canned coconut cream, or milk you will need to add some sweetener to your cocktail, as in my recipe. Coco Lopez is a popular presweetened coconut cream intended for cocktails and you don’t need to add any additional sweetener.
Looking to lighten this up? Try lite coconut milk. There’s a savings of about 60% or more in calories and fat.
Make sure you check your coconut mix carefully. There is a difference between coconut Cream and coconut Milk and if it's sweetened or not. When you get a tropical cocktail it's usually made with sweetened coconut cream. That's not what you use in your cooking and baking. When you use canned coconut cream, you will need to add some sweetener to your cocktail, as in my recipe. If you are using something like Coco Lopez it will be fully sweetened and you don't need to add any additional sweetener.
- 4 ounces light rum
- 4 ounces chilled pineapple juice
- 4 ounces coconut cream
- 2 ounces simple syrup
Garnish: Maraschino Cherry, Pineapple Spear
- Add about 2 cups of ice to your blender. Add 4 ounces of white rum, 4 ounces of pineapple juice and 4 ounces of coconut cream. 2 ounces of simple syrup. Let it whirl. Pour into your best tall glass and garnish with a cherry and a pineapple spear.
- Karen Harris https://www.bittersaltysoursweet.com
mmmm….my fave….
I thought of you when I made them. We drank them and listened to the song at the same time!