Oh, The Shark Babe, Has Such
Teeth, Dear……and it Shows Them, Pearly White! 

Happy Shark Week! 
It’s that all important tribute to the great predator of the sea, it’s Shark Week! I can’t let that one go by, not ever. Not without a cocktail and a tribute to my Dad’s very favorite song. It’s not actually about a great white, more about a mob hit. He really did love this song and that always cracked me up. I never understood the double entendres of the words when I was a kid
. But, on this occasion of another Shark Week, I couldn’t help myself. Why not celebrate with some Bobby Darin music and a bit-‘O
with a Shark Bite Cocktail?
Two things that happen for me each and every shark week. The first is I just can’t get Bobby Darin’s Mack The Knife out of my head, and the other is a little trip down memory lane to my most freightning, “Jaws” experience. Even though it was “mostly” in my mind, that does not mean it wasn’t a real shark-mare.
Right after seeing that most infamous shark flick, I went on a little trip with the “fam” to Catalina Island. My brother Mike is a few years older than me and seriously, was one of the great tormentors of my childhood.

Into The Deep (seated paranoia of my childhood that still haunts me today, but I’m okay, really!)
If you’ve been to Catalina, you know there is a platform float about a few hundred feet out from the shore. I don’t know exactly how far, but when you’re a kid, it seems like a mile, for sure. About half way out my brother screamed,
Shark! Of course, logic told me he was lying, but that didn’t matter! When you’re in the ocean, you can’t take chances! I never swam
so &%4#8&$ Fast in my life! Curtains for me! A real fish food ending.
I know that “Jaws” seems kinda hokey now, but I’m telling you, it was true horror in its day. Are you as afraid of what may be “preying” under the water as me? I know I’m not alone! I think the worst torture I could possible imagine is having to swim in the ocean, out deep, wondering the entire time, what was below. And that my friends, is why I always
freak out about love me some Shark Week!
Now I Could Really Use A Shark Bite Cocktail!
I think a tiki cocktail is about as fun as drinking gets. I mean, have you ever heard of a boring tiki? There are so many versions of a Shark Tooth or a Shark Bite Cocktail. The only difference between the “tooth” and the “bite” is the cherry syrup added for the bite effect. Try it either way, but I think I prefer a little bite. This is my spin on this delicious and potent libation. So join me, get your shark tooth on and take a bite!
The Bait……..(Recipe)
Into a cocktail shaker, add 1/2 ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice, 1/2 ounce of pineapple juice and 1 teaspoon of Luxardo Maraschino Cherry syrup and 1/2 ounce of simple syrup. Then add 1 ounce of light rum. Give it a dry shake (no ice in the shaker) for about 20 seconds. Fill your favorite tiki glass or cocktail glass or even a margarita glass with crushed ice. Pour the cocktail right over the ice. Serve with a shot of your favorite rum. The original calls for a shot of Appleton Aged Rum, but that’s pretty pricey. Use whatever you like best – aged, light, dark, spiced etc. I’m using my St. Maarten Rum Liqueur. It’s full of delicious, spices and sweet rum flavor. Here’s a link to learn more about it (I am not in any way affiliated with this seller) http://www.beerliquors.com/buy/liqueurs/rum_jumbie.htm
Want a version specially for the kids? Replace the rum with either sparkling water or lemon lime soda.

Serve your tiki garnished with a paper straw and a lime wedge a cherry and or a pineapple spear. Float the shot of rum on top of the drink and Bob’s your Uncle! Cheers! You’re gonna love it!

For a spin, make a Shark Tooth Cocktail. The only difference is the omit the cherry syrup from the "Tooth" version. It's reserved for the bite!
Want to make one for the kids? Just replace the rum with sparkling water or lime soda.
Simple Syrup Recipe: 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water, heat to simmer. Cool, then chill fully. Keep in refrigerator in a covered container for up to 1 month.
- 1/2 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
- 1/2 ounce pineapple juice (preferably unsweetened)
- 1 teaspoon Luxardo Maraschino Cherry Syrup
- 1/2 ounce simple syrup*
- 1 ounce light rum
- 1 ounce aged rum (Appleton or other aged Rum)
- Optional: 1/2 ounce simple syrup for a sweeter cocktail
Garnish: Lime Wheel, Pineapple Spear, Maraschino cherry
- Into a cocktail shaker, add 1/2 ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice, 1/2 ounce of pineapple juice and 1 teaspoon of Luxardo Maraschino Cherry syrup and 1/2 ounce of simple syrup. Then add 1 ounce of light rum. Give it a dry shake (no ice in the shaker) for about 20 seconds. Fill your favorite tiki or cocktail glass with crushed ice, then pour the cocktail right over crushed ice. Serve with a shot of your favorite rum. The original calls for a shot of Appleton Aged Rum.
- Use whatever you like best - aged, light, dark, spiced or a rum liqueur, etc. Serve your drink garnished with a paper straw and a lime wedge and or a pineapple spear and a cherry. Float the rum shot on top of the drink and enjoy.
From Karen Harris https://www.bittersaltysoursweet.com